[ I sent this letter to His Majesty The King, Charles of England - in honor of his coronation as their king, 2023 ]
To His Majesty, The Noble King known as Charles The 3rd of England;
On the occasion of his great coronation 2023.
I have thought to write, and share some treasure I've found, that you may enjoy.
Wisdom has treasures that benefit through sharing, bringing enrichment.
So while this is not a great monetary sum, I've found it merits
offering a King, such that we may all profit through such arrangements.
In studies I've found, Nicolas Notovitch's book, 'Unknown Life of Christ',
in it there's details, that Christ studied Buddhism, and Hindu wisdom.
While it's not common, from studying tradition, I think this makes sense.
Christianity makes significantly more sense in such context;
and in such context, many conflicts are resolved, and joy is revealed.
I've also enjoyed, the teachings of Alan Watts, who was Anglican -
the son of a priest, studied Eastern traditions, during his training.
When he was ordained, he felt he was unsuited for clerical life,
and so he renounced the tradition of the Church, but went on to share,
his comparative perspective on religion and philosophy.
I have found that he provides complimentary views on tradition,
and may recommend the study of his teachings to bring harmony;
Perhaps a Prophet, he could be seen to help bridge old and new wisdom,
to contemporize, and show wholeness in wisdom, and spiritual life.
As sometimes it help for someone to come along and clarify things.
Roman Emperors occasionally rewrote and redrafted law,
so that it could be accessible more broadly and better practiced.
We can see it helps to have clear formulations to bring consensus,
and such consensus about what we are doing, makes life easier.
Cooperation, benefits from practical, simple instruction.
So there's genius not just in making new things, but clarifying.
Perhaps you will be able to bring clarity with your majesty.
I've been studying Tibet's Kagyu tradition, known for Karmapa.
The Karmapas were tutors to the Emperors of mainland China.
So such wisdom was fit for the Emperors, so I'll share with you.
They have a prayer, 'The Four Immeasurables', that's also known as
Brahamavihara – of the 'Abodes of Brahma' a 'creator' God.
Love / Loving-kindness or benevolence ( Sanskrit : Mettā ) :
“May all sentient beings have happiness and the Causes of Happiness”
Compassion ( Sanskrit : Karuṇā ) :
“May all sentient beings be free (of sorrow and the causes of sorrow)”
Empathetic Joy ( Sanskrit : Muditā ) :
“May all sentient beings dwell in the joy that is happiness devoid of sorrows”
Equanimity ( Sanskrit : Upekkhā )
“May we dwell in even-minded serenity free of partiality”
There are various ways of presenting these four, but that is the gist.
While they are ordered in the way I've presented, in practice they start,
with cultivating the fourth, as it's like the ground, needed for balance.
I would note the first is a great definition for what's meant by Love.
These four simple thoughts are contemplative treasure with great benefits.
May you, Noble King, be endowed with such greatness, through such exercise.
I've been inspired by Ashoka Maharaja the Indian Lord.
Early in his reign, he tried to rule by conquest, but then discovered,
that what he conquered, was destroyed in the process, bringing poverty -
seeing that he'd lost, what he had been fighting for, that in victory,
he'd be defeated, and such prize was lost to all, it was disaster.
He became Buddhist, aspiring to not destroy, but to bring greatness.
Instead of conquest, he brought peoples' together, through civil discourse,
he explored ways that outstanding contentions could thus be resolved -
without violence, he created an Empire that is still revered.
I have heard stories, that when the Brittish arrived, India partook
in a quarter of all of the trade in the world, but that his declined,
When the British left, they were a mere three percent of the world's trade.
Can we perhaps learn the wisdom of Ashoka of non-violence?
Focusing efforts, on having proper standards that are respectful,
bringing harmony, people working together, in mutual good.
Respect heritage, and wisdom of traditions, and learning from them,
as history has all the merits of science, in demonstration.
What is done by force often needs force to maintain, in increasing sums;
What is done by sense, works with the natural flow, rather than effort.
The United States, has had a King of it's own, not by royalty,
but inspiration, a spiritual leader who lives on like a saint :
“A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.”
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
My apologies, if any of that appears to be critical,
please do know that I see your potential greatness and feel you're suited
to avail yourself of the opportunities of your majesty.
So may you dear King, be inspired to Noble ways, like civil discourse,
formal discussion, having debates on issues, gathering data;
Knowing that standards, and sensible solutions, overcome conquest.
Where you can make peace, may it be great an lasting, worthy of a King.
Success of business, has brought great fortunes to some, poverty many.
The economy, requires that for some to gain, that others must lose -
that's the way of profits, that's all too often ignored, leading to problems.
Please remember that, 'Problems do not go away, unless they are solved.'
It appears the world has lost touch with the greatness of Nobility.
The Noblesse Bolige that should come to the wealthy is abdicated.
So often the rich, do not feel responsible, for doing good deeds;
Rather they focus on protecting what they have, and gathering more.
In desperation, thinking that more will help them, some partake in schemes.
While this is common, it is rather unhealthy, akin to hoarding.
It also happens, to not bring satisfaction or much enjoyment.
It is important to reflect that lasting joy, is sympathetic.
Scientists have found what they call 'mirror neurons' supporting such claims.
So it is that we benefit from creating good environments.
Like when we give gifts, we share in the joy of the gift, like the receiver.
So the greater gifts, are things such as heritage, and restoration.
As the receiver is not a single person, but those throughout time.
Thus wealth multiplies, when it's duly invested in healthy practice.
I recognize you, are not just a rich person, empowered by wealth -
but that moreover, that is taking effect for cause, fallacious logic -
You're of Noble line, and it is Nobility, that's a source of wealth.
It's not just money, assets, or power of force, at your disposal;
Rather it is grace, diligence, and dignity, that are your powers.
A Buddhist treasure, is this great analogy regarding vessels -
In perceive Dharma, the Buddhist 'law' or 'cannon', 'wisdom tradition',
I have heard it helps to have these qualities, like a proper cup.
Having proper form, being free of cracks or chips or holes, that could make a mess.
Having ample space, so there's room for offerings, that will not spill out.
Proper cleanliness, such that nothing will pollute what which is offered.
Properly arranged, such as a tea-cup upright, ready for service.
So I think of you, and the noble practice of proper tea service.
While this is explained as helping Buddhists receive teachings properly,
I've found that it works, as a sensible metric, to support outcomes.
In the Role of King, you are said to represent, the Law of The Land.
Honorifically, this extends to Common Wealths, such as Canada.
As such I offer, gems from Buddhist tradition, I have found helpful,
and that you may too, decide worth integrating in how you consider
service of justice to bring about benefit and environment.
Buddhist tradition has the following topics regarding conduct,
for Upasaka, or those known as 'house holders' in common practice.
Recognizing harms, and as such avoiding them, has great benefits.
So for householders, the following 5 topics receive attention.
Not harming others. Such as killing sentient beings, should be avoided. So this begins as, not killing other people, but continues on, to not harming life, and on to protecting life, and environment.
Respect property. This equates to not stealing, in basic practice, but then it extends, to cultivating proper wealth and attitude.
Sexual conduct. Defaulting to abstention from such intercourse. Once that's practical, cultivation of consent, where there's benefit.
Honesty in speech. Recognizing benefits of proper conduct, with respect to speech, avoiding false / misleading, cultivating truth.
Intoxication. Avoiding what is toxic, such as alcohol. With such foundation, recognizing other things and what they effect. Through cultivation, becoming responsible, and working with life. Learning how to turn 'Poison into Medicine' where appropriate.
These aren't presented as formal laws from on high, but based on logic.
Recognizing that the practice of such virtues has great benefits,
people socially, practice, support, and follow, such contemplation.
There is a great book, that I highly recommend, about such conduct;
It's by Gampopa, called 'The Jewel Ornament of Liberation” -
I think such reading may inspire noble reform in social conduct.
I know that it has certainly assisted me in the way I live life.
With such foundation, I'll illustrate the factors involved in Karma.
Buddhist tradition teaches of Karmic factors involved in conduct.
Intention / Aspiration – Like intent to kill
Action – Attempting to kill
Success of Action – Someone being killed
Satisfaction – The mental state of the killer, would they kill again?
Subject – as sometimes the subjected is particular and others it's not.
Considering these, we can see the difference, between a few crimes,
such as man-slaughter, murder, and homicide, or of self-defense.
So while our language, recognizes difference in types of conduct,
I found the Buddhist emphasis of these factors to bring clarity.
As such these clear points, can help with understanding, and bringing resolve.
In bringing resolve, what Buddhist may call Justice, there are these powers,
known as antidotes, or Powers of Antidote, that are worth mention.
Power of Revulsion and/or Regret – Seeing wrongdoing as wrongdoing, and having remorse and regret.
Power of Remedial Action – Like intervention, choosing other acts instead of such affliction
Power of Reliance – Support of resolve, perhaps including others, like community.
Power of Resolve – Choosing not to repeat such actions in the future, choosing other acts.
It is these powers that serve their communities to resolve issues.
When there's misconduct, they use these means to address and resolve issues.
They're also useful in one's own contemplation to improve conduct.
It is believe that, the Buddha is omniscient, knowing everyone.
The Buddha we know, as Buddha Shakyamuni, is one of many.
In this there are groups who relate to know issues such as with conduct.
There are thirty-five Buddhas of Confession who perceive such issues.
In common practice, there are such distinctions made in laws of the world.
Alas common laws, don't illustrate them clearly as the Buddhists have.
Wisdom is out there, but sometimes it is helpful to clearly state it.
I have found these points function as helpful metrics for understanding -
where they are present, the odds are favorable, to such an extent.
I am sharing this, as I believe that you are such a Noble King, and spiritual Lord,
and head of such Church, and as such Noble leader, you may be in tune
with such arrangements and that they may support you in your Noble work.
As I have found these treasures are fit for a King, I share them with you.
With all due respect, may your time be long, fruitful, and enjoyable.
Sarva Mangalam; May all things be auspicious. Good fortune to you.